The 2025 Women’s Bike Camp is full! Please contact to be put on the waitlist!
Treat yourself to a single sport camp which will enable you to focus on fitness and technical skills in the discipline that dominates the largest percentage of any triathlon – the BIKE!
Our 2025 bike camp will challenge and inspire you. Repeat ITU and 70.3 World Champion, Coach Juliet Hochman, will share with you the hills and flats that provided her the training grounds for the fastest bike splits across the age group and professional women’s fields. After a couple of days of easier aerobic rides and focused bike handling work, rides will include endurance efforts, hill work and descending skills. Come enjoy the breath-taking beauty of Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams and the Columbia River Gorge as we cruise along the historic highway and through the orchards and vineyards of the fertile Hood River valley. In addition to our focus on biking, we will offer swim workouts, with at least one in the open water. Want to run too? If you have the legs for running, we’ll happily point you in the right direction. We’ll train and eat together; support and push each other. You will emerge a stronger, more informed, more confident cyclist.
Are you training for 70.3 Oregon? Stay an extra day – Sunday – for a bonus training ride which will focus on incorporating 70.3 efforts into your ride, followed by a race-specific brick run off. Not prepping for Oregon? Stay in the Hood River area and enjoy wine-tasting, hiking, white-water rafting and the iconic Fruit Loop through our world famous orchards and farms.
Camp will include:
- Workshops focused on hill climbing and bike handling skills to increase confidence
- Beautiful, iconic rides skirting the Columbia River Gorge and through Hood River’s orchards and vineyards.
- Challenging endurance and threshold rides, with a bonus day for athletes prepping for 70.3 Oregon.
- Discussions on bike pacing using heart rate and/or power
- Nutrition and hydration guidelines
- Optional river and pool swims…and a wine-tasting ride!
- Mental preparation for hard workouts and key performances.
Tentative Schedule (subject to change as we get into 2025):
Tuesday, June 24: Camp starts at 5 pm! Meet-and-greet and overview. Dinner together at Pfriem Brewing (no host).
Wednesday, June 25: Functional strength (optional). Bike skills workshop. Aerobic ride. Optional swim or run. Dinner on your own.
Thursday, June 26: Camp breakfast. Endurance ride. Hill climbing workshop. Optional run or open water swim. Group dinner (no-host) at Gorge White House.
Friday, June 27: Core + Mobility (optional). Endurance ride with long climb: 2 options. Optional run or open water swim, focusing on drafting and sighting skills. Camp social dinner.
Saturday, June 28: Tempo and hill work finishing with a Wine Tasting Ride. Camp wrap-up, awards and goodbyes for those departing.
Bonus day! Sunday June 29: For athletes preparing for 70.3 Oregon, we will run a 70.3 brick ride and run off. Athletes will ride at their 70.3 effort/power and run off at the Hood River high school track.
Please contact Juliet for more information at
Cost: $495. ($395 for LifeSport and TRiCLUB athletes). Does not include travel, accommodation or meals besides Camp Breakfast and Dinner. Hotel discount: 20% off at the Hampton Inn and Suites in Hood River – use this link to book!
Sign up here to hold your spot!
LifeSport/TRiCLUB athletes use THIS link to sign up and enjoy a $100 discount!
This camp is limited to 12 athletes. Full refund guaranteed until May 24. Sign up now to hold your spot!